Artà - Formentor

Artà - Formentor

Description of itinerary

The itinerary sets off in the historic centre of Artà, from Plaça del Conqueridor square, making for Can Picafort. From Coll de Morell hill (km 4.9) until km 11.4 a steep slope takes you down to the Na Borges stream.

From km 16 to the military base of Port de Pollença (km 42.1) the road is completely flat.

Between kms 42.1 and 46 the road ascends to the first Formentor lookout point. You then turn back the way you have just come.

From the Na Borges stream (km 80.6) to Coll de Morell hill (km 87.4) a steep climb goes on for 6.8 kilometres, taking you up 183 m in all. Once past the summit of Coll Morell you are only 5 km from Artà.

Type of route:Roadbikes
Degree of difficulty: ESP_28
Total distance: 92,20 Km
Total duration: 4 hores
Type of terrain: Asfalt: 92,2 km
Circular route: Si
Total ascent: 763 m

Necessary equipment

Drinks, food, sports clothes, sports shoes.

Recommended equipment

Cycling clothes, sunglasses, mobile phone, camera.


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