Convent of Sant Antoni de Pàdua

The Franciscan convent of Sant Antoni de Pàdua is located on Sant Antoni street. The convent is composed of a cloister and a church. A community of Franciscan friars arrived to Artà after the Catholic euphoria of the Council of Trent, in the 16th century. The convent was founded in 1585. The church dates from the beginning of the 17th century. A series of stands lead to the building’s main facade. This ornament-free facade is divided into three separated bodies. The church has a typical Baroque portal. A rose window is located in the centre of the main portal, flanked to the left by a square plan bell tower. We move on now to the cloister attached to the church. It is a 24 column portico with 20 stone arches. A cistern is located in the centre of the structure. Currently, the classrooms of the Franciscan School of Saint Bonaventure surround the cloister.

C/ Sant Antoni

Tipology: Convent
Dating: 1585


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