Regional Museum of Artà

Arta’s Regional Museum is located close to the Town Hall, in Estel street. The entity was founded by a group of local scholars with the aim to preserve Arta’s heritage in 1927. During the 60s, the building hosting the museum was purchased and restored by the Mallorcan bank Sa Nostra.

The museum is organized in two sections: one committed to Natural History and the other to Archaeology. The visitor will discover here local stuffed birds as well as the extensive archeological heritage of the village. The museum boasts a rich collection of prehistorical artefacts. This rich collection is due to particular donations and the hard work of the museum’s researchers. It’s worth highlighting the impressive collection of local fauna, donated by pharmacist Llorenç Garcías Font. Pay a visit and get a taste of Arta’s rich history and natural diversity!

·Funcionality: Popular Science

·Address: Carrer de l'Estel (Str.), 4 (by the City Council)

·Tel.: 971829778


Guide of the Regional Museum of Artà:

Archaeological collection

Ornithological collection

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